The Institute is in Recanati and it borned in 1970. Until 1970 in Recanati there were two schools in the center of the town: S.Vito and San Filippo and some very little country schools.
The headmaster is  Eng. Doctor Mario Prezio.
It includes seven schools: three pre-primary schools and four primary schools.

Pre pimary schools have got 318 pupils and they are:
Via Camerano school
Via Aldo Moro school
Mariele Ventre school
Pupils are in school from 8.00 to 16.00.
In each classroom two teachers work.

Primary schools have got 666 pupils and they are:
Beniamino Gigli school : - full time: pupils are in school from 8.30 to 16.30
- normal time: pupils are in school from 8.30 to 12.30 and until 16.30 once or twice a week.
Via dei Politi: full time and normal time
S. Vito normal time
Pittura del Braccio normal time
In each classroom from two to five teachers work.

The most importan projects of the Institut are:

"Comenius Project"
"Reading Project"
This yera it is the XXII edition. The project aims to motivate pupils to read and write.
"Music project": choir school
" AU.MI Project":Regional Project Evaluation Institute